No doubt the French are feeling very proud of their president, after the battles won over the treaty, and now the allocation of a prized commission portfolio. They see how their political elite show up the British as rank amateurs. Once again, through cunning and sleazy back room deals, the French come out on top, demonstrating their EU state craft while the British labour government fumble and prove themselves totally incapable of playing the game to win.
The machinations of the French are something to behold.
After all, the British are still paying off their debt for being allowed to join the club, and it will be the French that decide when that debt is paid.
Now the French will have command of the City of London - the financial cow that has sustained the UK for so many years, but something the French have always envied, and no doubt now, they will contrive to ensure that much more business goes to Paris, while London collapses.
That Brown is an absolute ignoramus when it comes to dealing with the politics of the EU, is really beyond the point. He was manipulated at every turn, and even Mandy didn't see this coming. The EU is supposed to be a club of equals, but again and again, the French prove that they are more equal than anybody else, especially when it comes to winning the things that count.
Strangely Britain still has the odd idea that we should trust the integrity of our fellow EU members, and are constantly reminded to become better Europeans, while all the time they connive to stab us in the back.
First we have Barasso working on Blair with the hint of the presidents job, if only he will do something substantial about the British rebate. That was a long piece of string, but the French and the commission knew how to keep pulling it, which of course made for a compliant Brown.
Yet Blair was never going to get that job, for he just might have opened up the discussion on where the EU was going, and they couldn't have that. No, they had to keep the labour government sweet, while working behind the scenes to make sure that their real candidate for the presidents job, who had true federal credentials would walk into the job. For federalism read socialism.
All that Britain got was some unknown, never elected, woman as deputy to this Belgian. The alleged second most powerful position in the EU and she never put herself forward as a candidate, nor did Brown - she was proposed by Barasso. Good God, the woman can barely spell "foreign", never mind knowing anything about where most countries are. She is an utter disaster, and will not help the British cause at all.
It is time to realize that Britain has been stitched up YET AGAIN by the EU, and this time we should take steps to rectify our situation - Oh, sorry, I forgot we have that DUMMKOPF in number 10 still!
This is not just about finances - it is about our way of life. From being a relatively free country where we were meant to be responsible for our own destiny, we are being turned into a nanny socialist state full of compliant yes mean who will not question what we are told to do. After all, the state looks after us - they know best.
Yes, OK, WE can put a lot of this reverse progress on the sloping shoulders of Brown and Blair, but with the EU federalists it will become much much worse.
The French financial and socialist model will be imposed on us here in the UK. They are not content to let us be, their envy and hatred of all thing British has come to the boil, and now we will suffer for our innocence, as we are made to hold each other down while they drive stakes through our hearts. They will not rest until we are subdued, helpless, and totally federal.
For these reasons, I hereby declare Open Season on the French political classes and all thing French, for being: such Gloating, Calculating, Scheming hugger-mugger clandestine conniving leeches, parasites and Bloodsucking spongers. To remind ourselves of some the French qualities, we have come to expect, I give you:
"It is important to remember that the French have always been there when they
needed us."
"The AP and UPI reported that the French Government announced after the London bombings that it has raised its terror alert level from Run to Hide. The only two higher levels in France are Surrender and Collaborate.
The rise in the alert level was precipitated by a recent fire which destroyed France's white flag factory, effectively disabling their military capability. ""AP), Paris, March 5, 2003
The French Government announced today that it is imposing a ban on the use of fireworks at Euro Disney.
The decision comes the day after a nightly fireworks display at the park, located just 30 miles outside of Paris, caused the soldiers at a nearby French Army garrison to surrender to a group of Czech tourists.
"Q: What'd you call a French fighter jet coming to the aide of his American
and British allies in the Iraqi desert?
A: A mirage. "
" World War I - Tired and on the way to losing, France is saved by the United States. Thousands of French women find out what it's like to not only sleep with a winner, but one who doesn't call her "Fraulein." Sadly, widespread use of condoms by American forces forestalls any improvement in the French bloodline."
Did you mean: french military defeats.
It really is time to leave this debased expensive club, or it will turn us all into bloodsucking socialists.
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