In the pages of the Kremlin’s secret diary, Pavel Stroilov discovers what Labour’s Soviet sympathisers said when they thought no one was listening.All of this from a very reputable source in the Soviet hierarchy - Anatoly Chernyaev.
On the whole, however, the communist infiltration of the T&G is hardly a joking matter: its influence in the Labour party was substantial. The decision to give Gordon Brown his first and only safe seat, Dunfermline East, was made by two T&G officials: Hugh Wyper, the regional boss and a Communist Party member, and Alec Kitson. This is not exceptional.
Neil Kinnock, Tony Blair, Margaret Beckett, Harriet Harman, John Reid — to name just a few — were all T&G people who made their Labour party careers thanks to the union’s backing. And at that time, of course, T&G political backing was within the gift of Alec Kitson. Chernyaev only saw part of the story however. Other documents, still secret, show Labour’s Soviet relationships ran still deeper.More dirt on how labour plotted against Britain; Here
Many people had suspicions that labour and the unions were in league with Russia, this finally shows the level of betrayal and dishonesty perpetrated by these criminals - there is no other way to describe them.
No wonder these criminals have turned our country into a decrepit, financially bankrupt version of the old USSR.... and no wonder they are so keen to tie us into the EU, for neither they nor the EU believe in democracy.
Transport and General Workers' Union leader Jack Jones - who received effusive praise from Prime Minister Gordon Brown when he died in April this year - was a paid agent for the USSR....but there again who was paying brown?
It just gets worse - the more we hear about the labour party, the more disgusting revelations just keep coming out.......... what I'd like to know is why the media and the BBC in particular are not screaming about this latest news - or are they full of Communist lovers as well!
Thank you to all filthy communists for dragging a once great country down to your sick level.
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