Sunday, October 4

On the subject of the EU President

With a fair wind, blair, that con artist who used to be a British Prime Minster, will be officially EU President by Christmas. Now that the Irish treaty vote is in, in favour of the europhiles, it won't be long before blair gets the call to assume his new role as chief crook.

After all, he does deserve it. He took enormous risks in first, agreeing to reduce the UK rebate, and then resigning so that brown could take his turn as PM until the country get so sick of labour they will be buried for at least a decade. So, he probably feels he is now fully ready to take on this spectacular new role.

There are many that will say blair is not right for the job, but in this they are wrong. He will fit in so well with the cronies and crooks that make up the inner circle of the EU administration. His credentials in this matter are immaculate. He is a first rate liar, and his ability to spin a story are exceptional.
Interestingly, a global pettition has attracted some 30,000 plus signatures to stop blair in his tracks - but when did he or the EU elite ever listen to the voters?

One can only hope that in his perverse way, blair will do something for democracy that wouldn't otherwise be possible. Perhaps he will make the EU so unpopular, that he is either assassinated by orders of the EU elite, or he causes so many fractures in the infrastructure of the socialistic EU base, that it just crumbles away. That last point may be too much to hope for completely, but anything blair can do to ruin the EU in any fashion will be most welcome, and after all he is a grand master at destruction - just look at the state of the UK.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Good luck with your new blog.

    I question your wording:
    'With a fair wind, blair, that con artist who used to be a British Prime Minster, will be officially EU President by Christmas.'

    I would contend it would be more an ill wind in fact more aptly described as a revolting flattulence!

    Greg L-W.
