The short answer is NOTHING - the long answer is that they are dinosaurs who meddle in politics they do not understand and ride the labour movement for every bit of influence they can wield.
I'm not saying they are totally irresponsible, no, the main charge is that they have gone back to their old ways, and imagine they are better placed to run the country than any elected government. Well, OK, they may have a point when it comes to labour governments, but still they should not be doing it.
Just because the Unions keep labour afloat, financially, they believe this gives them the right to tell the government what to do. Again, with that financial support, you might expect they would want something in return, only now they are telling Gordon Brown that he has to take the country to the left politically or they will oust him.
Now I find that unacceptable for the following reasons:
- Nobody should be in a position that they can formulate government policy, from outside;
- The Unions are not the best people to determine the fate of the UK, for they certainly do not speak for the majority of people who would despise any more moves to the left, politically;
- The Unions unfortunately have a history of being in love with communism, which has proven itself the most abhorrent form of governing regime this small planet has ever known, but this just illustrates their contempt for mankind;
- Trade Unions have a history of irresponsibility and thug driven activities that make them the worst kind of influence on any government, never mind one led by a PM who already suffers depression and so often under the influence of "medicines". This irresponsibility is in their blood, and it's only the legislation introduced in the 80's that keep them in line.
An example of the insanity of the Unions is currently with us, in the shape of the Postal strike. It's not the fact that union is now led by a communist whose first act was to call a nonsensical strike, it's more that in doing so he is leading the Royal Mail into oblivion, but this is the insanity of unions that can only see as far as the next pay day.
The EU and this government must be laughing up their sleeves as our postmen start to lose popular support - something they've always enjoyed, but as everybody should know by now, it is the intention of EU led legislation to take away their monopoly and bring in foreign companies to deliver our mail.
Has our communist postal union leader not seen the writing on the wall, brother. For goodness sake the government has been doing its best to demonstrate that RMG has little future, removing as they have so many profitable sidelines that mean, for example, that post offices struggle to make a profit. This is all deliberate, and enforced by the European Union - surely he has seen that! Perhaps not, for communists are blinkered creatures that only see what they want to. They would rather blame the Royal Mail Group, than admit that Brown and the EU were in collusion to wipe out our postal services; and of course most union leaders support the EU, so perhaps they are doing their bidding all the time. It would not surprise anybody.
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