Thursday, October 21

Time to make big cuts to the media

Just what is wrong with the media of this country – You would imagine they had a fixed agenda to ram the governments cuts all the way down our throats.
Informing us all about these cuts is one thing, but both TV and newspapers go well beyond this. All the time they tell us how bad it will be, how we can expect terrible things to happen with people losing jobs and nobody to look after the elderly.
If I didn't know better I'd say they were all putting a perverse view deliberately to stoke up problems for the future. Well, they certainly are not helping the government!

Rather than put the left wing view constantly, it would be rather nice if they could provide a bigger view on all of this. We all know we have a broken economy, thanks to labours incompetence, but why do they have to keep bleating about it? They appear to be deliberately putting the worse possible face on everything, and you have to ask why.

On the BBC's culture program, I heard one lone voice with optimisim, despite the oncoming problems, that perhaps we will all be stronger because of our coming shared purpose. He was talking about difficulties to come in the art world, but he put it in a positive perspective, that perhaps things would work out OK.

The media should not be frightening people, making us all worry worse than we already are. They should be filling people with the purpose of sharing this problem, seeing it through as we used to see other great national problems through.
We at least have an honest government, something we missed sorely from 1997 to 2010. So why does the media take the approach that they do. They are clearly lacking moral fibre like the left wing government they supported, for if they cared for their country they would be supporting the government in a positive way, not stabbing it in the back.

While it is common knowledge that much of our media is socialist by nature, do they have to be so blatent about always attacking the Tories when they are trying to clear up the mess left by labour. If any cuts should be made, now here would be a target very worthy.

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