Saturday, November 7

At last the heat is rising on UK membership of the EU - at last!

The reaction to Camerons suggestions that all is not well with the EU and there might be some things that the UK would like to change has sent ripples through the Soviet style EU structure that dictates what we should be thinking.

As the TPA so brilliantly point out;

"The EU operates on the basis of compromise of absolutes, a gradualism which by definition is a slow victory each time for one side and a slow defeat for the other. Since the compromise between handing over sovereignty and not handing over sovereignty is to always hand over part of your sovereignty, the only victory ministers can ever claim is to have delayed to a constant trickle the surrender of the whole."

So, the EU superstate can only gain, or so they think, yet it is time the whole thing was given a massive shake up - for too long we have meekly been following the socialist agenda set by a culture that is in many ways alien to the British way of thinking.

It is an odd thing but even that well known organ of Russian supremacy Pravda has an article that likens the EU to the old USSR, and with some detailed analysis of the Lisbon treaty that is both interesting and conclusive.

Twenty Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall, the EU is a Reincarnation of the Former Soviet Union

"The first impression one gets while reading through Chapter III of the Lisbon Treaty (the so-called reader-friendly text), is a rather favourable one. This so-called Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union “ places the individual at the heart of its activities.
....then there is, of course, freedom of expression. Article 11 establishes this unequivocally.

Yet on at least two issues, EU citizens do not enjoy this freedom of speech. In a number of member states (Germany, Belgium, Austria, France, the Czech Republic) it is a criminal offence to publicly wonder whether six million Jews were killed by the Nazis during World War II. Even if you would believe that, say, no more than 4.5million Jews were exterminated, this could land you in jail for years.

Thus in the EU today, there is NO free speech. Nor will there be any when the Lisbon Treaty takes effect. The EU crackdown on “illegal” downloads, threatening anyone caught downloading copyrighted items more than three times with lifelong exclusion from internet access, can be interpreted as an indication that a major offensive against one of the few remaining vestiges of freedom is under way.

Similarities between the Lisbon Treaty and its communist predecessors are quite remarkable, for instance in the clauses on equality before the law.

Article 34 of the 1977 Soviet Constitution proclaimed full legal equality for all: “citizens of the USSR are equal before the law, without distinction of origin, social or property status, race or nationality, sex, education, language, attitude to religion, type and nature of occupation, domicile, or other status.”

...and just to remind you, in the former communist world of Europe, basic human rights such as these were formulated in the Soviet and East German constitutions, were violated on a daily basis.
Henckel von Donnersmarck's shocking movie “The Lives of Others” (2006) shows
this in a most penetrating way."

Cameron has shied away from an EU referendum, and that may be his undoing. It is also a terrible mistake. The subject of EU domination over UK citizens is on the boil, and to ignore it is akin to head in sand, but to take advantage of it, now that would be heroic.

Yet, where have all our heroes gone?

There can be no going back - Cameron has to seize the initiative and get the people behind him, win that all important general election and fully handle the EU, one way or another.
Otherwise he is just going to have to keep his mouth shut when UKIP eat into his support and the Conservatives fail to kick out labour.

We won't get another chance at this. It all has to happen now, and Cameron has to be in the driving seat....NOW!

The TPA have produced a roadmap - see their document: Hague’s Handbag: Conservative Party policy after the ratification of Lisbon - it makes amazing practical sense.

See page 12 for the roadmap - but also look at what they say about The Consequences of Failure, and some sound advice.

The Government should be prepared to pass items of legislation including the phrase “Notwithstanding the European Communities Act 1972” if negotiations are stalled, signalling a clear intent to unilaterally change the terms of the UK’s relationship with the EU if there is gridlock in Brussels.
Coupled with a massive fortnightly net contribution to the EU treasury, and an economy receiving significantly more from the EU in trade than it exports, the negotiating hand is strong.

It was a telling moment when Danial Hannan resigned his spokesperson post for the Tories in the European Parliament, following Camerons speech, and all of this has to be a wake up call:

David Cameron - it all rests on you - what is our destiny going to be?

For Goodness sake keep turning the heat up.

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